Glad at Ching Cheong’s parole (Chinese Only) 香港記者協會對新加坡《海峽時報》駐華首席特派員程翔提早獲釋,表示高興,樂見他能在春節前回港與家人團聚。 但對於堅守記者原則工作的程翔不幸無辜繫獄,記協感到惋惜,誠摯期望此等事件日後不再發生。 程翔於零五年四月二十二日被拘禁及後被定罪,經家人、朋友、各界及包括香港記者協會在內的多個捍衛言論自由的組織,以不同方式爭取釋放程翔,事件至今已接近三年。 香港記者協會 二零零八年二月五日 Ching Cheong expresses gratitude to all (Chinese) Open Letter to President Hu - Ching Cheong's Health Deteriorates RELATED POSTS Urging Chinese Authorities to Deal with Ching Cheong Case ASAP (Chinese Only) in Ching Cheong Incident Open Letter to President Hu – Urging to Release Ching Cheong ASAP (Chinese Version Only) in Ching Cheong Incident Open Letter to President Hu regarding Ching Cheong’s Verdict (Chinese Only) in Ching Cheong Incident