香港記者協會對曹志明先生離世表示哀悼 (Chinese only) 資深專欄作家兼《信報》首席顧問曹志明(曹仁超)先生於2月21日逝世,享年68歲。香港記者協會對此表示沉痛哀悼,並向其家人致以深切慰問。 曹先生是著名投資分析家,服務《信報》於創始之時,其負責撰寫的專欄《投資者日記》長期是《信報》重要且極受歡迎的專欄。曹先生文筆幽默雋永,又樂於提攜後輩,令人懷念。 香港記者協會 2016年2月25日 Survey reveals worrying trend of confidence decline in press freedom 記者接連於屯門夜市遇襲 記協促警方徹查 (Chinese Only) RELATED POSTS HKJA urges UN to allow Taiwanese journalists to attend the annual World Health Assembly (WHA) in Press Release The Hong Kong Journalists Association is extremely concerned that only selected media may attend official festivities for the Handover’s 25th anniversary in Press Release JOINT STATEMENT BY HONG KONG JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION AND HONG KONG PRESS PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION: Strongly condemn the police and rally for attacking journalists and reaffirmed that the fourth right as inviolable in Press Release