Bao Choy, the RTHK producer was arrested for investigating vehicle registration in a 7.21 Yuen Long Incident related episode. HKJA planned to hold an industry march this Sunday. An appeal board overturned the police ban on the march earlier today, provided that an exemption was granted by Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung under the gathering restriction order. Cheung has finally refused to grant the exemption. The march was forced to be cancelled. HKJA expressed extreme disappointment over the ban.
Since the march has been banned, HKJA reminds its members, fellow journalists and journalism students that the march has been cancelled. Anyone who continues to assemble or hold any rally without exemption from restrictions on gatherings may encounter legal risks.
HKJA will continue to voice out and provide necessary support for Choy through other channels.
Hong Kong Journalists Association
14 November 2020