Joint Statement over the Disappearance of Mainland Journalist Gao Yu

We, the undersigned groups, express our deep concern over the disappearance of Gao Yu, a 70-year-old mainland Chinese journalist missing since April 24, 2014. We call on the Chinese government to take all appropriate measures to immediately investigate her whereabouts and inform her family and the wider community of the results, regardless of who is responsible. The government has the duty to protect its citizens, and if Gao has been detained or is under the supervision of a government agency or department, it must disclose this as soon as possible.

Gao’s disappearance is particularly troubling given that she suffers various health problems and is on medication. Gao has written a series of outspoken reports on the political situation in China. We hope this is not a factor in her disappearance, and remind the authorities that freedom of expression and reporting are enshrined in the Chinese constitution.


The Hong Kong Journalists Association

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong

The Independent Commentators Association

2 May 2014

香港記者協會對羅孚先生逝世表示哀悼 (Chinese Only)
羅孚離世消息 (Chinese Only)