RTHK’s Review on “RTHK Producers’ Guidelines”

The Hong Kong Journalists Association notes with deep concern that RTHK is to excise the phrase “promote freedom of expression” from its RTHK Producers’ Guidelines (PG) upon review by management, including the Director of Broadcasting.

HKJA would like to reiterate that freedom of expression is a core value of Hong Kong. This is stated unambiguously in the Basic Law. We are, therefore, very concerned as this deletion is tantamount to an act of self-censorship and the scrapping of diversity of voices.

HKJA urges RTHK management to adopt a high degree of transparency in reviewing the PG and ensure that freedom of expression and press freedom remain sacrosanct.

With this in mind HKJA expresses full support for the blue ribbon action by RTHK staff today.


5 May 2014

香港記者協會強烈譴責涉嫌搶掠、襲擊、妨礙採訪暴力行為(CHINESE ONLY)
香港記者協會對羅孚先生逝世表示哀悼 (Chinese Only)